Wednesday, October 12, 2011

the ice age is coming, the sun's zooming in

Tonight the moon is full and that fills my heart with happiness. I love that solitary rock up there in the sky. It's so bright and beautiful. And it leads my mind to so many memories, so many meaningful, marvelous nights that it has made even more beautiful.

I just got back from the pub. There was some sort of English outing this evening and a bunch of that crew ended up there, so I knew or knew someone that knew a decent selection of the crowd. It's a really nice feeling to look around and see familiar friendly faces. I will probably mention this every time I talk about being here, but I can't even believe that I've been here for almost a month! Can you? It's Thursday tomorrow which means the Farmer's Market, which I quite enjoy. But, it's shocking to me that I've been here long enough to expect things like Farmer's Market Thursdays.

Forget about a month for a second, let's talk about years. Fifteen of them. My best friend of the last fifteen years is turning twenty-one tomorrow and I can hardly believe it; how fast the time has gone, the fact that I won't be there to celebrate with her, and just how much fun we've had. Addie Royce is truly one of the best friends I've ever had. I feel like I would be a completely different person if she hadn't been a part of my life and I am so thankful for her constant presence. Addie is someone that knows me, that I don't have to explain myself to, that I have a dialect of inside jokes and special moments with. Either of us can say one word in a certain tone and we just know. She gets me, she accepts who I am, she will be my best friend always no matter what and vice versa. I don't think I could ask for anything more than that. Happy 21st best friend!

Life has been relaxed lately. This past weekend my evenings were spent around campus and kitchen tables filled with friends, laughter, wonderfully awful '90s music, and ice cream. Just to list a few of the highlights. Let me just say that Sunday was 'Sundae Sunday'. Awesome. Emmett supplied the ice cream and the space and we all brought the toppings. 

On Monday I had an advising appointment with my U of M advisor via Skype. I found out that, following this semester, I have four English classes left to complete and 6 or 7 miscellaneous credits to fulfill. What?! That means I'm graduating from college next Winter. It almost feels like I just finished high school. Time strikes again. I think I'll get three of the four English classes done next semester and then another easy class, I'm thinking bowling or self-defense. And then next Fall I'll take my Senior Seminar where I have to write a 15-20 page paper and anything I want (!) at any level (!) to take care of the remaining miscellaneous credits. I guess I didn't realize I was so close or that my final semester would be such a mix of intensity and ease. 

I'm enjoying getting deeper into my classes and making friends there. Yesterday while talking with these new friends I found out that they had heard of AND like Jeremy Messersmith! He's just such a Minneapolis staple, but not so much an international icon (yet). It was great to be able to relate over something that's so close to home for me and to share my Minneapolis love.

I also found a post office much closer to campus than the only other one that I was aware of. It gives me no excuse not to be totally on top of my correspondence. I sent some letters today, more to follow soon. 

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