Monday, August 22, 2011

hold my head, we'll trampoline

You know what's weird about waking up at 4 am?

First of all, it just feels unnatural. Second, when you're biking under the stars and moon, however beautiful and welcome that might be, it still feels like nighttime. Third, having already been awake for three hours at 7 am is just preposterous.

But, it is nice to see the sun rise. That's a sight I haven't had the privilege of in a long time.

'Why is Tianna waking up at 4 am and galavanting around the city on her bicycle," is a question you might be asking yourself.

In response I would say to you, "As much as I wish I had some epic story about rolling around Minneapolis at all hours, I do not. I'm biking a mile and a half to open at Turtle Bread". This is all well and good, but I am sucker for the hearing and/or the telling of a better story.

Short story long, I've been awake since 4 this morning.

You know, I'm kind of glad I woke up at 4 today. Since I was done with work at 1, I've had hours to experience the beauty of today. I think there's a promise of magical potential in most every day, but today was just one of those glorious Summer days.

For the last week or so it's really seemed like Fall has been furiously trying to secure a foothold in these parts. Cooler days, cold nights. But, today I swam in a body of water and it felt wonderful. I'm planning on it again tomorrow.

I am endlessly amazed by the amount of good a little blue sky and warmth does for my soul. I hope the weather takes this into consideration during my stay in London because I am not too jazzed about weeks of gray.

To switch things up and get me to talk about something other than the weather I decided I'm going to have a certain focus to my blog for a little while; I'm to flip to a random page in my portable pocket dictionary and whatever word my finger lands on is going to guide my writing. I think it just makes sense as an English major on my epic England adventure to use words as a guide.

Homogenize: Make uniform throughout.

This will be my word for tomorrow.

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