Saturday, April 3, 2010

uptown it's dead now but here no one seems to care at all

Well I've been a bit of an epic failure at blogging thus far. It seems to be about three and half months since my last & only post. Whoops. 

I'm going to make much more of a legitimate effort from now on. K? K. Glad we're agreed on that.

Last night I saw The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, really really quality film. I've been informed that the actual Swedish title (Man som hatar kvinnor) literally translates to "one who hates women" or "men who hate women", which puts an interesting spin on my perception of the film. It was also pretty graphic at times, but very well acted, really interesting, and I would definitely recommend it. 

After the film I enjoyed my first dining experience at Chino Latino. It was loud and crowded, in a good way. You know how that happens? Because often when I find myself in a loud & crowded place, it's in a really annoying way. But this was nice; people were out & about doing their thing, enjoying the evening. The food was lovely as well. And the fortune in my fortune cookie was Do you know where we can score some really good weed? Hilarious. So overall A+ for the evening.

Also, blog world, I'm having a bit of a crisis. Not really a crisis, I guess that's a bit too strong. But, the thing is, I realized recently that I have no idea what I want to "do with my life". For really as long as I can remember I've wanted to be a teacher, at least part of me has. But, now I'm not so sure I feel like there's so many other options to explore & so many possibilities that I haven't even thought of. I know that this is so typical of someone my age. Knowing that doesn't make it any less frustrating though. I just started working at Turtle Bread last week & I really like it so far. Sometimes I think it would be really fun to own my own restaurant/cafe/coffee shop/etc. 

I just don't know.

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