1. A few days ago I was at work and rang up a man who had a rather interesting shirt. And when I say, "rather interesting", I mean that, in the end, I came to find it just a tad (note the sarcasm) offensive. At first I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary about it, but I wasn't really paying attention to his shirt, I was in the middle of a business transaction.
All I saw were the words science on the top and religion on the bottom and a graphic in the middle. After he had paid he was sort of milling around for a while and I got a closer look at that graphic. Underneath science there was a rocket flying to the moon, which is totally legit. But above religion there were two tall buildings and an airplane. An airplane that was clearly headed for one of those buildings.
The more I thought about the idea of putting a blanket blame on religion for September 11th (and then putting it on a shirt, and wearing it) the more and more offended I became. It's like, "Really? You really purchased that shirt and are now wearing it in public?" That's cool. Except not. At all.
2. That same night about 20 minutes later a man came up to the counter and started talking to us about the bp oil spill. Normally I think I'm a pretty agreeable person, but this man really got under my skin.
So after fifteen minutes of him spewing on and on about how, "doesn't anyone care? couldn't they just drop a big boulder on it?" I had had enough. And I said, "You know what? Millions of gallons of oil are flowing into the ocean and you're the only one that cares. I don't know what you want me to say to you". After that he walked away.
After he left I realized what I should have said; get a blog.
3. I was on a bike ride a few days ago and I saw, what I assume to be a mama turkey, and two babies. That was just cool. Babies are the best, of really any variety.
4. Yesterday, after much deliberation I decided to continue living at home. I realized that if I were to move out, realistically I wouldn't be able to save any money. And that's something I want to do. I want to be able to help my parents pay for school. I want to study abroad next fall and I want to help pay for that. I want to have a little money for nonessentials.
The more I think about it, the stronger the feeling is that I made the right decision.
I put two conditions on myself though. First, I have to get my license, not so that I can constantly drive all over the place, so that I have the option to drive myself somewhere. And second, I have to get myself involved in things at school slash the community with people my own age. Because living at home this past year, I have to say I didn't make too many life long friends at school. Which is fine, I have friends. Wonderful, amazing, beautiful, spectacular friends. But, it would be nice to have some at school too.
5. I watched Memento tonight. This is a film that everyone should see. Oh my goodness. It's all suspenseful and backwards but not completely. Crazyness.
6. Did I just update my blog two times in one week? Am I actually getting better at this? How exciting is that? (The correct answer is; Really exciting).